F.O.T.T.® Instructors
The F.O.T.T.® Instructors offer Ground and Advanced courses based on the F.O.T.T.® concept according to Kay Coombes.
In addition, the F.O.T.T.® Instructors offer introductory seminars on individual topics.
F.O.T.T.® Instructors of FOrmaTT GmbH
Doris Müller MSc
F.O.T.T.® Senior Instructor
Occupational therapist, D
Curriculum Vitae
Daniela Jakobsen
F.O.T.T.® Senior Instructor
Occupational therapist, DK
Curriculum Vitae
Barbara Augustin
F.O.T.T.® Instructor
Occupational therapist, D
Curriculum Vitae
Brit Steen Langhorn
F.O.T.T.® Instructor
Occupational therapist, DK
Heike Sticher MSc
F.O.T.T.® Senior Instructor
Physiotherapist, CH
Curriculum Vitae
Claudia Gratz
F.O.T.T.® Senior Instructor
Occupational therapist, D
Curriculum Vitae
Malte Jädicke
F.O.T.T.® Instructor
Occupational therapist, D
Curriculum Vitae
Angela Cordes
F.O.T.T.® Instructor
Nurse and
Occupational therapist, D
Curriculum Vitae
Jürgen Meyer-Königsbüscher
F.O.T.T.® Instructor
Certified Speech and language therapist, D
Curriculum Vitae
Ricki Nusser-Müller-Busch MSc
F.O.T.T.® Instructor
Speech therapist, D
Curriculum Vitae
External F.O.T.T.® Instructors
Margaret Walker
F.O.T.T.® Instructor
Occupational therapist, NZ
Doris Müller MSc
Professional training
- 1988: State-recognised occupational therapist (WFOT recognised)
- 1995: F.O.T.T.® Instructor
- 2005: F.O.T.T.® Senior Instructor
- 2012: Graduation MSc Neurorehabilitation, Master’s programme Donauuniversität Krems, Austria
Work experience as an occupational therapist
- 1988-1992: Neurologische und orthopädische Rehabilitationsklinik Schaufling, Germany, neurological and orthopaedic rehabilitation
- 1992-1993: Therapiezentrum Burgau, Germany, early neurological rehabilitation
- Since 1993: Klinik Bavaria Kreischa, Germany, acute care, neurology and multidisciplinary rehabilitation in early rehabilitation, rehabilitation and follow-up treatment care
Teaching activity
- Since 1996: F.O.T.T.® Ground Courses in Germany and abroad, introductory seminars, workshops, lectures, F.O.T.T.® supervision
- Since 2006: F.O.T.T.® Advanced Courses
- Since 2008: Involved in the training of F.O.T.T.® Instructors
- Müller D, Meyer-Königsbüscher J (2023): Nahrungsaufnahme. mehr als Schlucken. In: Die Therapie des facio-oralen Trakts, Hrsg. R. Nusser Müller Busch, Springer, Berlin 5. Auflage.
- Augustin B, Müller D (2023): Clinical Reasoning: Zwei Fallvorstellungen. In: Die Therapie des facio-oralen Trakts, Hrsg. R. Nusser Müller Busch, Springer, Berlin 5. Auflage.
- Müller D, Meyer-Königsbüscher J (2021): Eating and Drinking - Involves More Than Swallowing. In: Facial-Oral Tract Therapy (F.O.T.T.) For Eating, Nonverbal communication and Speech. Springer nature ISBN 978-3-030-51636-9
- Gratz, C, Müller D (2000): Die Therapie des Facio-Oralen Traktes bei neurologischen Patienten. Zwei Fallbeispiele. Schulz-Kirchner, Idstein. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Ergotherapiepreis des DVE.
- Woite D (1998): Facio-Orale Trakt Therapie (F.O.T.T.) nach Kay Coombes. In: Info-Mappe Neurologie. Neue Reihe Ergotherapie, Schulz-Kirchner, Idstein.
- Woite D (1997): Therapie des Facio-Oralen- Traktes nach Coombes. In Praxis Ergotherapie 10/1997. Aktualisierter Nachdruck: Müller D. (2004): Therapie des Facio-Oralen-Traktes nach Coombes. In Aphasie und Schlaganfall 10/2004
Daniela Jakobsen
Professional training
- Occupational therapist since 1992, specialised occupational therapist in neurorehabilitation since 2013
- Since 2005: Certified F.O.T.T.® Senior Instructor, teaches F.O.T.T.® Ground and Advanced Courses, trains F.O.T.T.® Instructors
- Since 2019: Certified Instructor in the Affolter Model®, Tactual Interaction Therapy
Work experience
- 1992-2003: Work in neurorehabilitation of adults and children in the subacute phase after acquired brain injury at the Therapiezentrum Burgau, Germany
- 2003-2022: Developmental occupational therapist at the Department of Brain Injury Rigshospital at Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark
- Since 2022: Occupational therapist at Rigshospital/Glostrup Hospital, Denmark, Department of Apoplexy and Stroke Unit
Professional focus
- Patients with tracheostomy tubes
- Research on newer technology in the assessment and treatment of dysphagia
- Clinical Reasoning: working with the F.O.T.T.® algorithm
- Training and supervision of colleagues in everyday work
- Integration of aspects of neurodynamics into the F.O.T.T.®
- Integration of aspects of the Affolter model into F.O.T.T.®
My vision is that F.O.T.T.® will continue to establish itself nationally and internationally so that we succeed in training a new generation of instructors who will carry on our mission. I would also like to continue to support research into this complex approach and incorporate relevant research findings into the work with F.O.T.T.®.
Professional policy activities
- Since 2012: Member of the labor society Arbeitsgesellschaft pro Wahrnehmung, APW, Switzerland
- Since 2016: Board member and since 2023 Chair of the Occupational Therapy Society for Dysphagia in Denmark
- Since 2018: Member of the Danish Society for Dysphagia
- Since 2021: Member of the ESSD (European Society for Swallowing Disorders)
- Since 2021: 2nd chairwoman of the association Förderverein F.O.T.T. e.V.
- Eskildsen SJ, Poulsen I, Jakobsen D, Riberholt CG, Curtis DJ: Scoping review to identify and map non-pharmacological, non-surgical treatments for dysphagia following moderate to severe acquired brain injury BMJ Open2021 Dec 2;11(12): e053244. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053244.
- Jakobsen D, Seidl R, Poulsen I, Curtis DJ: Treatment of Dysphagia with Biofeedback and Functional Electrical Stimulation in a Patient with Wallenberg Syndrome: A Prospective Case Reports Case Rep Neurol 2021;13:789-796 (DOI:10.1159/000518910)
- Eskildsen SJ, Jakobsen D, Riberholt CG, Poulsen I, Curtis DJ.: Protocol for a scoping review study to identify and map treatments for dysphagia following moderate to severe acquired brain injury. BMJ Open. 2019 Jul 17;9(7):e029061. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029061. PMID: 31320355; PMCID: PMC6661611.
- Jakobsen D, Poulsen I, Schultheiss C, Riberholt CG, Curtis DJ, Petersen TH, Seidl RO (2019): The effect of intensified nonverbal facilitation of swallowing on dysphagia after severe acquired brain injury: A randomised controlled pilot study. NeuroRehabilitation 45 (4):525-536
- Schow T, Jakobsen D: A decision algorithm defining the rehabilitation approach: Facial Oral Tract Therapy. Disability and Rehabilitation 2010; 32(17):1447-1460.
Book chapter in English
- Jakobsen D: Oral hygiene- an interprofessional Concern
- Jakobsen D, Sticher H: Treating the face as a Functional Entity: More than practicing facial muscles
- Jakobsen D: The F.O.T.T. algorithm: A clinical-decision making tool
in: Nusser Müller Busch, Gampp-Lehmann (eds). Facial Oral Tract Therapy. For Eating, Swallowing, Nonverbal Communication and Speech. Springer, 2021
Book chapter in Danish
- Poulsen I, Jakobsen D: Rehabilitering ved dysfagi. In Waehrens E. Neurologi og Neurorehabilitering. Munksgaard Forlag: 305-309.2013 und 2020
- Jakobsen D, Poulsen I: Facial Oral Tract Therapy. In Waehrens E. Neurologi og Neurorehabilitering. Munksgaard Forlag: 458-460. 2013 og 2020
Book chapter in German
- Jakobsen D, Sticher H: Behandlung des Gesichts-mehr als mimische Übungen.
- Jakobsen D: F.O.T.T. Algorithmus: Sich im und mit dem Konzept bewegen.
- Jakobsen D: Mundhygiene: Ein interprofessionelles Anliegen.
in: Nusser Müller Busch (ed). Die Therapie des Fazio Oralen Trakts 1.-5. Ausgabe Springer Berlin, 2024
Article in professional journal
- Jakobsen D: Weil Schlucken und Atmung zum Alltag gehören. Ergopraxis (6);16-19.2013
Barbara Augustin
Professional training
- 1999: State-recognised occupational therapist
- 2002: Bobath therapist
- 2008: Affolter therapist
- 2012: F.O.T.T.® Instructor
- Work assignments at clinics in Tanzania and Nepal (voluntary work)
Work experience
- 1999-2001: Zentrum für Schwerst-Schädel-Hirnverletzte at Allgemeinen Krankenhaus Eilbek, Hamburg, Germany
- 2001-2018: Therapiezentrum Burgau, Burgau, Germany, specialised clinic for neurological rehabilitation, early neurological rehabilitation after severe acquired brain injury
- Since 2012: Freelance in/around Munich, Germany; house and home visits (neurology, geriatrics, paediatrics, especially children/adolescents with multiple complex developmental disorders)
Teaching activity
- F.O.T.T.® Ground Courses in Germany and abroad
- F.O.T.T.® Introductory seminars focussing on adults and children (multiple complex developmental disorders)
- F.O.T.T.® Introduction seminary tracheostomy tubes
- Workshops
- Offering consultations, supervision and coaching in different institutions
Professional focus
- Treatment of adults affected by central lesions, including neurogenic dysphagia
- Working with tracheostomy tube patients
- Treatment of patients affected by facial nerve palsy
- Treatment of children with multiple complex developmental disorders
- Integration of aspects of the INN®-concept into F.O.T.T.®
- F.O.T.T.® Ground Course for children: Development of this new Ground Course
- Nusser-Müller-Busch R (Hrsg., 2024): F.O.T.T. - Die Behandlung des Facio-Oralen Trakts nach Kay Coombes, Springer nature 5. Auflage 2024 ISBN 978-3-662-67528-1
Brit Steen Langhorn
Contents will follow
Heike Sticher MSc
Professional training
- 1986: State-recognised physiotherapist
- 1989: Bobath therapist
- 1996: F.O.T.T.® Instructor
- 2005: F.O.T.T.® Senior Instructor
- 2010: MSc Neurorehabilitation, Donauuniversität Krems, Austria
Work experience
- 1986-1988: Physiotherapist at the Rommel-Klink Bad Wildbad, Germany, orthopaedics and neurological rehabilitation
- 1988-1989: Physiotherapist at the Schwarzwald Klinik Bad Krozingen, Germany, neurology and neurological early rehabilitation
- Since 1989: REHAB Basel, Switzerland, clinic for Neurorehabilitation and Paraplegiology
- 1999-2003: Deputy Head of Physiotherapy
- Since 2003: Member of the specialist support team
- In the interest group for physiotherapy in rehabilitation neurology (IGPTR-N)
- On the board of the interprofessional Swiss Society for Dysphagia (SGD)
Teaching activity
- Since 1996: F.O.T.T.® Ground Courses in Switzerland and abroad, introductory seminars, workshops, lectures, F.O.T.T.® supervisions
- Since 2006: F.O.T.T.® Advanced Courses in Switzerland and abroad
- Since 2008: Involved in the F.O.T.T.® Instructor training
- Since 2008: Work as a supervisor, professional trainer and consultant for therapists in clinics and practices, especially in the field of rehabilitation and long-term care of tracheostomy tube patients
- Since 2016: Lecturer CAS MS and MAS Neurophysiotherapy University of Basel, Switzerland
- Since 2021: Lecturer in the Master's programme in Physiotherapy at Berner Fachhochschule, Bern, Switzerland
- Since 2023: CAS lecturer at Fachhochschule Winterthur, Switzerland
- Sticher, Jakobsen (2024): Die Behandlung des Gesichts - mehr als mimische Übungen in: Ricki Nusser-Müller-Busch (Hrsg.). Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. 5. Auflage, 2024. ISBN 978-3-662-67527-4
- Sticher, Gratz (2024): Trachealkanülen-Management in der F.O.T.T. - Der Weg zurück zur Physiologie in: Ricki Nusser-Müller-Busch (Hrsg.). Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. 5. Auflage, 2024. ISBN 978-3-662-67527-4
- Sticher, Gampp Lehmann (2020): Posture and Function: What helps us swallow in Nusser-Müller-Busch R Gampp Lehmann K (Hrsg, 2020) Facial-Oral Tract Therapy (F.O.T.T.) For Eating, Nonverbal communication and Speech. Springer nature ISBN 978-3-030-51636-9
- Sticher, Jakobsen (2020): Treating the face as a functional entity: More than practicing facial muscles in Nusser-Müller-Busch R Gampp Lehmann K (Hrsg, 2020) Facial-Oral Tract Therapy (F.O.T.T.) For Eating, Nonverbal communication and Speech. Springer nature ISBN 978-3-030-51636-9
- Sticher, Gratz (2020): The F.O.T.T. approach to tracheostomy tube management (TTM): Return to physiology in Nusser-Müller-Busch R Gampp Lehmann K (Hrsg, 2020) Facial-Oral Tract Therapy (F.O.T.T.) For Eating, Nonverbal communication and Speech. Springer nature ISBN 978-3-030-51636-9
- Sticher, Gampp Lehmann (2017): Das Schlucken fördern in Physiopraxis, Ausgabe 3/2017, Thieme Verlag
- Dutour, Sticher (2015): Mund-und Zahnpflege bei neurologisch betroffenen Patienten in: Praxis Pflegen Ausgabe 21
- Frank, Mäder, Sticher: Dysphagic Patients with Tracheotomies - A Multidisciplinary Approach to Treatment and Decannulation Management (2007) Dysphagia 22:20-29 (2007)
- Frank, Czepluch, Sticher, Mätzener, Schlaegel, Mäder: Modifiziertes Trachealkanülenmanagement - Platzhaltereinsatz als Option bei erschwerten Dekanülierungen (Pilotprojekt REHAB Basel) (2013) Rehabilitation; 52:20-26
Claudia Gratz
Professional training
- State-licensed occupational therapist since 1986
- Since 1996: F.O.T.T.® Instructor
- Since 2005: F.O.T.T.® Senior Instructor
Work experience
- 1986-1988: Max-Bürger Krankenhaus, Berlin, Germany, geriatrics and geriatric psychiatry
- 1989-1997: Therapiezentrum Burgau, Germany
- 1997-1999: Occupational therapy practice in Oldenburg, Germany, home visits and care in nursing homes with neurological focus, stroke patients and patients with traumatic brain injury
- Since April 1999: Therapiezentrum Burgau, Germany, early neurological rehabilitation after severe acquired brain injury
Professional focus
- Training and supervision of employees in their everyday work who treat people with neurogenic dysphagia
- Working with tracheostomy tube patients, Tracheostomy Tube Management, FEES
- Treatment of people affected by central and peripheral facial nerve palsy
- Teaching F.O.T.T.® Ground Courses and topic-specific F.O.T.T.® Advanced Courses
- Training of F.O.T.T.® Instructors
- Trach Button made of solid silicone for the tracheostoma as part of the decannulation procedure
- 1998: German Occupational Therapy Award
- Nusser-Müller-Busch R (Hrsg. 2024): F.O.T.T. - Die Therapie des Facio-Oralen Trakts nach Kay Coombes. 5. Auflage Springer Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Habermann C, Kolster F: Ergotherapie im Arbeitsfeld Neurologie, 3. Auflage, Thieme Verlag
- Gratz C, Müller D (2000): Die Therapie des Facio-Oralen Traktes bei neurologischen Patienten. Zwei Fallbeispiele. Schulz-Kirchner, Idstein.
Malte Jädicke
Professional training
- 1997: State-recognised occupational therapist
- 1998-2002: Occupational therapist in a transprofessional model project and residential unit for the care and therapy of patients in a vegetative state/minimally conscious state (long-term care)
- 2002-2005: Occupational therapist at the Rehabilitations- und Lehrkrankenhaus of the university of Ulm, Germany, focus on assessment and treatment in the stroke unit and acute neurology
- Since 2005: Occupational therapist at the Therapiezentrum Burgau, Germany, focus on the early neurological rehabilitation of patients with acquired brain damage in the intensive care unit and ventilation, intermediate care, early rehabilitation and rehabilitation
- Since 2021: Supervisor at the Therapiezentrum Burgau, Germany for the F.O.T.T.®, swallowing and food intake, Tracheostomy Tube Management and FEES
- Since 2022: Occupational therapist at the MZEB-Schwaben (Medical Centre for Adults with Disabilities) connected to the Therapiezentrum Burgau, Germany with a focus on the clinical and instrumental examination (FEES) of patients with tracheostomy tubes and dysphagia in a transprofessional team
Training and further education
- 1997: State-recognised occupational therapist
- 2014: Certified F.O.T.T.® Instructor
- 2017: Further training in fibre endoscopic examination of swallowing (FEES)
- Since 1998: Ongoing further training in the field of neurological rehabilitation on the topics of swallowing/dysphagia, breathing, learning and rehabilitation
- 2020: Qualification to perform FEES according to the specifications of the FEES training curriculum (DGN/DGS/DGG)
- Nusser-Müller-Busch R, Jädicke M: Vom Entblocken zur Teilhabe – Trachealkanülen-Management beginnt auf der Intensivstation. forum:logopädie Jg. 36(4) Juli 2022 16-21
- Jädicke M: F.O.T.T. meets FEES - Patientenzentriertes Vorgehen mit Clinical Reasoning. In: Nusser-Müller-Busch (Hrsg. 2023) F.O.T.T. - Die Therapie des Facio-Oralen Trakts Springer Nature, 5. Auflage, 285-295
Angela Cordes
Professional training
- 1987: State-recognised nurse
- 1995: State-recognised occupational therapist (WFOT recognised)
- 2013: F.O.T.T.® Instructor
- 2018: LiN practice facilitator
Work experience
- 1987: Kreiskrankenhaus Osterholz, Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Germany (nurse)
- 1995: Reha Zentrum Gyhum, Germany (occupational therapist)
- Since 1996: Klinikum Bremen-Ost, Bremen, Germany with a focus on early neurological rehabilitation (occupational therapist)
- Since September 2024: additional work in a private practice with focus on facial paresis
Teaching activity
- F.O.T.T.® Ground Courses
- F.O.T.T.® Ground Courses for carers
- F.O.T.T.® Specialised Courses Face
- F.O.T.T.® Introductory seminars, workshops und supervision
Jürgen Meyer-Königsbüscher
- 1982: Degree in Speech and Language Therapy at the University of Dortmund, Germany
- 1982-2022: employed at the Neurological Centre Bad Zwesten, Germany Department of Voice and Speech Therapy
- 1999: Qualification as F.O.T.T.® Instructor
- Now retired after many years working in the field of neurorehabilitation at a clinic (stroke unit, acute, early rehabilitation, rehabilitation)
- Bobath therapist
- Castillo-Morales ORT therapist
- Specialist therapist for laryngectomy
- NEUROvitalis® trainer
- K-Taping® speech therapist
- Lecturer and author
Ricki Nusser-Müller-Busch MSc
- After many years in a management position in a clinic, now working freelance: Therapy, providing specialist coaching in clinics and in long-term care
- Work assignments with the Senior Expert Service Bonn to clinics in China and Mongolia (National Cancer Centre)
- Collaboration on awmf medical guidelines: palliative care, laryngeal and oral cancer, post-intensive care syndrome (mandate from the German Federal Association for Speech Therapy)
- Co-founder of the interprofessional Berlin swallowing consultation (www.schlucksprechstunde.de)
- Bobath therapist for children, MSc Neurorehabilitation, Donauuniversität Krems, Austria, Manual Dysphagia Therapy (concept development together with Renata Horst)
- Acting as an author, lecturer and in research (i.e. tracheostomy tubes)
- Editor of ‘Die Therapie des Facio-Oralen Trakts', Springer, 5th ed. 2024
Co-editor of 'Facial-Oral Tract Therapy', Springer 2021 - 2013: Valerius Price winner of the journal DIVI of the interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
Nusser-Müller-Busch R: ‘Schluckstörungen auf der Intensivstation: Atmen und Schlucken - eine vitale Beziehung’. DIVI 2013; 4:7-14. DOI 10.3238/DIVI.2013.007-001 - 2021: Honorary member of the German Federal Association for Speech Therapy
- 2023: Honorary member in the Special Interest Group of F.O.T.T.® (Förderverein F.O.T.T. e.V.)
Margaret Walker
Contents will follow